1923 is a Paramount+ limited western series that premiered on December 18, 2022. It focuses on the history of the Dutton family that was introduced in Yellowstone. The Yellowstone series focuses on the family during the early twenty-first century and 1883, a prequel (to both Yellowstone and 1923), focuses on the generation that went out on the journey to settle in Montana. 1923 tells the tale of the generation living between the ones of 1883 and Yellowstone.
The Dutton family’s next two generations struggle to survive historic drought, lawlessness and prohibition, and an epidemic of cattle theft; all battled beneath the cloud of Montana’s great depression, which preceded the nation by almost a decade.
- For a full list of all 1923 cast members click here
- Helen Mirren (as Cara Dutton)
- Harrison Ford (as Jacob Dutton)
- Darren Mann (as Jack Dutton)
- Brian Geraghty (as Zane Davis)
- For the category page '1923 characters' click here
Executive Producers[]
- Taylor Sheridan
- David C. Glasser
- Art Linson
- John Linson
- Ron Burkle
- Bob Yari
- David Hutkin
- Ben Richardson
Co-Executive Producers[]
- Michael Friedman
- Ken Topolsky
- Tony Palermo
Season 1[]
No. | Name | Air date | |
1 | 1923 | December 18, 2022 | |
2 | Nature's Empty Throne | December 25, 2022 | |
3 | The War Has Come Home | January 1, 2023 | |
4 | War and the Turquoise Tide | January 8, 2023 | |
5 | Ghost of Zebrina | February 5, 2023 | |
6 | One Ocean Closer to Destiny | February 12, 2023 | |
7 | The Rule of Five Hundred | February 19, 2023 | |
8 | Nothing Left to Lose | February 26, 2023 |
Season 2[]
No. | Name | Air date | |
1 | TBA | TBA | |
2 | TBA | TBA | |
3 | TBA | TBA | |
4 | TBA | TBA | |
5 | TBA | TBA | |
6 | TBA | TBA | |
7 | TBA | TBA | |
8 | TBA | TBA |
External links[]
- 1923 (series) on IMDb
- 1923 (series) on Wikipedia